Spring Cleaning 101: Tips On Getting Your Home Ready For Sale

Contrary to years prior, 2018 has presented us with a rather mild, wet March. As such, we’ve barely approached the standard season for “April showers” and have already received enough rain and wet weather to rid most of the snow! The month, however, is still young; and, as unpredictable as Mother Nature can be when it comes to delivering cold weather and long winters, we think it’s safe to assume that Jack frost might just bite a time or two more. This said, if you’re in the market to (or in the process of) selling your home, the traditional “Spring cleaning” chores, though tempting, might need to wait until the season has truly sprung –perhaps leaving you feeling in limbo. Not to worry! We’ve collected a list of pre-spring maintenance chores that you and your family can work on in order to help sell your home in the meantime:
  1. Plants and flowers and weeds, oh my! Although it might still be a little too early to plant new flowers in your garden, removing the lifeless, rotting plants away from last year’s soil can go a really long way toward making your overall garden space look clean. Tip: don’t forget to eliminate any additional leaves and other debris as, they too, get noticed! Remember, although it may seem like a tough time of year to keep things looking fresh, giving a little extra TLC to your greenery can give your home that curb appeal you might be looking for! 
  1. Leaves and other things: if you didn’t get a chance to rake up any fallen leaves before the snow quickly hit us last year, now’s your time to shine! Despite the grass not necessarily being at its greenest, cleaning up any leftover, broken leaves – as well as any pet droppings – can certainly paint a more vivid picture for potential buyers. 
  1. Check your deck! If the weather is warm enough, you might want to take an afternoon or two to clean your patio furniture, garden features and/or any other moveable items around your yard. Winter typically leaves a dull, grey film on these household belongings – including your garage door and windows – so be sure to scrub down any outside surfaces. Check out these DIY cleaning tricks. 
  1. Sweeping your walkways: Curb appeal aside, be sure to take advantage of the milder days to clear your decks, walkways and stairways of any built-up snow and/or ice for the safety of those coming through your home. Salt and grit from the prior winter-filled months can leave a rather daunting mess to your driveway and walkways; consider rinsing these surfaces down with a hose while the weather cooperates!
Before we know it, spring will have sprung! Despite the premature preview of spring, we’ve been granted with, there’s a lot you can get a jump start on Spring-cleaning-wise. After all, the Spring market is fast approaching!